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Diet in osteoporosis

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Diet in osteoporosis

   Osteoporosis, or bone thinning is a scourge especially of adult women. In industrialized countries suffer from it every third woman aged over 50 years. It can occur at any age, but most often manifests itself in women during menopause. During this time, estrogen decreases and hormonal deregulation of the economy, which accelerates the loss of calcium and other minerals from the bones.

   Susceptibility to osteoporosis is largely hereditary, but other factors, including primarily diet and exercise also play a major role. The best way to protect yourself against osteoporosis is early prevention, by providing adequate doses of nutrients. Bone density is increasing to 30-35 years of age and it is important that at this point, bone mass should be as large as possible, to prevent fractures in later life, when bones become thinner, but their density does not fall below a level allowing fracture.

Factors contributing to the development and deepening of osteoporosis

1. Excess of caffeine (coffee, tea) - increases urinary calcium excretion. Studies conducted at Harvard showed that middle-aged women who drank four or more cups of coffee a day were three times more susceptible to bone fractures than those who drank little or not at all. Interestingly, a study conducted in Norway found that higher doses of caffeine increase the risk of hip fractures in women but not men.
2. Salty diet - too much salt can damage the bone by depriving them of calcium, especially in the elderly. The more you add salt, the more calcium you lose.
3. Drinking of alcohol - it is surprising that small amounts of alcohol (3-6 drinks per week) can raise estrogen levels in postmenopausal women. However, higher doses of alcohol not only did not raise estrogen levels, but worsen osteoporosis by directly attacking and damaging cells of the bone. In autopsy studies of alcoholics, their bones show such changes as if they were about forty years older. Studies conducted at Harvard have shown that alcohol (especially beer and spirits) increases the risk of fractures of the femur and the bones of the forearm. The more alcohol, the greater the risk. Women who drink 2-3 beers a day doubled the risk of hip fractures compared with those who doesn?t drink.
4. Smoking - in heavy smokers found to be greater risk of developing osteoporosis than non smokers. The longer and the more you smoke, the greater is the loss of bone mass. Statistics WHO reports that smoking doubles the risk of osteoporosis.
5. Excess of protein - too much protein in your diet, especially animal, increases the urinary excretion of calcium. Studies conducted at the University of Wisconsin that high protein diet acidifies the blood (like sugar), which contributes to the leaching of calcium from the bones. In one of the experiments the subjects eating 102 g of protein (the average in developed countries) has released two times as much calcium as the subjects in the control group, eating the recommended amount of protein or 44 g (of course, both groups took the same amount of calcium). This explains why vegetarians may be less likely to suffer from osteoporosis than a "carnivorous".
6. Milk, cream, processed cheeses and products containing milk in its composition - the products homogenized, pasteurized, sterilized and UHT - due to poor calcium to phosphorus ratio and the quality (type) of calcium from these products - it is an inorganic calcium, which instead mineralize bone is absorbed in the tissues, causing calcification and degeneration.
7. Oxalic acid and phytic acid - oxalic acid and phytic acid bind calcium supplied to the body and creates insoluble calcium oxalates and phytates. These acids are contained in the sorrel, rhubarb, spinach, tea, soups, radish, beets, white bread without yeast, flour products, flakes.
8. Excess of sugars - sugars acidify the body, leading to demineralization system. High doses of sugar interfere with the phosphorus-calcium balance, which in turn impedes calcium absorption.
9. Wine, wine vinegar.
10. Cola drinks - contain phosphoric acid, which binds large amounts of calcium and magnesium, and will block their absorption.

Factors that help to treat and prevent osteoporosis

1. Calcium - is the most important component of bones and sufficiently large quantities in the diet from the moment of birth ensures proper digestion and achievement of peak bone density. Daily Value for calcium, however, is an individual matter, dependent on lifestyle and other dietary factors. Until recently, the best source of calcium thought to milk and its products. In recent years, however, questioned the quality of calcium absorption and milk processed. Good sources of calcium include rural not homogenized raw and unpasteurized milk, legumes, sardines, egg yolk, soybeans, green peas, broccoli, corn, watercress, whole grain bread, tofu, sesame seeds, parsley, nuts, seeds and dried seeds (not roasted), fresh vegetables and fruits.
2. Vitamin D - The role of vitamin D is to facilitate calcium absorption. Vitamin D is produced in the skin by sunlight. There is also some components of food, especially fatty fish (eel, salmon).
3. A diet rich of soy - soy beans and the milk contain plant estrogens which are similar to natural human hormones that prevent bone loss.
4. Essential fatty acids - these acids - found in oils such as marine fish, vegetable oils, marine fish oil and evening primrose - facilitating the absorption of calcium, an important factor enabling the mineralization and, consequently, the maintenance of bone mass.
5. Magnesium - is involved in many chemical reactions in the bones. When the deficiency is hampered calcium absorption. Sources of magnesium include: cocoa, bananas, nuts, especially walnuts, seeds, seeds
6. Lignans - plant phytoestrogens, which act in the human body as estrogens, regulate hormonal balance, raising the level of estrogen. The sources of lignans: flax oil cold pressed, flaxseed.
7. Other nutrients - normal bone mineralization provides a number of other factors, such as vitamin K, zinc, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium, boron, manganese plus other trace elements. The boron, as microelement is important in the prevention of osteoporosis has been discussed recently. Its deficiency may impair the metabolism of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, making bones more fragile and breakable. Recent studies shown that boron very actively raises the level of estrogen and other substances that prevent calcium loss and bone demineralization. Boron occurs in peaches, prunes, raisins, dactiles, apples, pears, honey bee, grapes, nuts, legumes, broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes and egg yolks. Manganese, like boron, is involved in bone metabolism. In animals, manganese deficiency states, leads to osteoporosis that the same may occur in humans. Previous studies confirm that women with osteoporosis have about 1/3 less manganese than healthy ones. After administration of the manganese, absorbed him twice more than normal, which indicates a substantial demand for this compound in patients with osteoporosis. Good sources of manganese are avocado, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, pineapple, broccoli, oranges, berries, egg yolk, nuts, parsley, beans and peas.
8. Physical activity - regardless of the diet is necessary in the prevention of osteoporosis is motion. Osteoporosis is the world so often not only because it increases the number of old people, but also because we do a sedentary lifestyle. Try to find more time for traffic and aggravating exercise such as walking, dancing, swimming

   It is worth noting that the rich sources of calcium are egg shells, most rural areas, so they can be used in profound deficiency of this element. Use the shell, fresh, or at most 2 - 3 day old eggs. The high temperature causes decomposition of available organic calcium on calcium unabsorbed inorganic shell, so you can not cook. Eggs before the break, rinse thoroughly and wipe dry. The shells should be dried in the open air and grind in a coffee grinder to powder. In order to remove possibly on board to the bacteria, shells soaked in 10% solution of colloidal silver. For a screw jar pour 200 ml of water and 20 ml of colloidal silver, put the shell, close the jar. After 2 - 3 hours, remove the shells, dried in the open air and grind in a coffee grinder to a powder, which should be taken in the amount of ? teaspoon per day before lunch. The most convenient way is to put the powder into mouth and drink plenty of water. Powdered egg shells retain the biological activity of two weeks.

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