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Red diet

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Red diet

Red diet guidelines:

   Red - regulates blood pressure, inhibits the rapid changes in mood, stimulates metabolism and helps digestion.

Products recommended in red diet:

- Red meat: beef, lamb,
- Fresh and frozen strawberries,
- Oranges, mandarins,
- Cherries and sour cherries,
- Yellow melon, pumpkin,
- Carrot or its juice with addition e.g. banana, carrot, mandarin,
- Tomatoes.

Products not recommended in red diet:

- Fried in fat foods,
- Milk and yellow cheese,
- Alcohol, especially beer and drinks,
- Sweets and strong coffee.

Example of red diet:

Every morning

- Cup of herbal or fruit (such as hibiscus) tea without sugar
- A container of lean natural yoghurt
- 20 g of fruit salad, such as strawberries, raspberries or mixed fruit
- 1 slice of dark, toasted bread

- A glass of pink grapefruit juice, seasoned with pepper, salt and a dash of olive oil virgin

Day 1

- Pumpkin soup
- Vegetables (carrots, red cabbage cooked by steaming, tomato, a piece of turnips, peppers, radishes, a 1-2 teaspoon of olive oil)

- 1 cup of juice of currants and raspberries
- Salad with watermelon
- 1 cup of fresh orange juice

Day 2

- Cream tomato soup with fresh basil
- Fish baked or cooked by steaming with a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of soy sauce

- Salad with oranges (one orange, a few leaves of lettuce, a teaspoon of olive oil, salt, few grains of sesame)
- Toast with tomato

Day 3

- Cup of cream celery soup (a piece of tubers and stems, carrots, tomatoes, 5 strawberries and a handful of raspberry)
- Beef with currants and spoin of cooked pasta

- Cup of mixed citrus fruit (1 orange, half a grapefruit, 1 tangerine, lemon juice)
- Vegetable salad with toast

Sirloin with currants:
Ingredients (4 servings): 50 grams of beef, 100 ml red wine, salt, pepper, oil, 30 grams of currants, 1 orange. Sirloin sprinkle with wine, sprinkle with salt and pepper and let stand for 1 hour. Brush with oil, wrap with aluminum foil, bake 50 minutes at 180 ° C, cut into slices. Currant and orange flesh put into a saucepan, pour water, boil and pour over meat sauce.

Salad with Watermelon:
Ingredients (4 servings): half a watermelon, 3 tablespoons of brandy, orange peel, lemon balm leaves for decoration. The flesh of watermelon cut with a special spoon into the balls, put them on a plate, pour cognac, garnish with shavings of exactly brushed, blanched orange peel and lemon balm leaves.

   For the rest of the week compose menu based on the first three days, or just repeat them. Portion of Sirloin - inserted into the refrigerator is sufficient for you for a few days, cut into slices you can eat well in the cold. With strawberries and raspberries can easily come up with a new dish, but avoid pouring the cream with powdered sugar, better use natural yoghurt. Remember color diet can be fun.

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