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Diet in gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

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Diet in gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Diet in gastric reflux disease guidelines:

   On gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) suffers at least once a month, about 15% of the people. The unpleasant symptoms can be alleviated with proper nutrition. The characteristic symptoms of this disease is heartburn experienced as stinging or burning around the upper esophagus, behind the breastbone or in the under heart hole. Gastric juice irritates the delicate wall of the esophagus, causing a burning sensation, and sometimes pressure behind the breastbone that could imitate angina.

   Heartburn often occurs when changing body position or during exercise. Typical reflux is also a sensation of discomfort caused by a bitter or sour taste. This is due to regurgitation or esophageal throat. Excessive salivation during pain is also the unpleasant symptom of reflux. Most common cause of reflux disease is a malfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter. Continuous exposure of the esophagus in contact with acid reflux causes inflammation called reflux oesophagitis. This contributes to a significant worsening of symptoms. Changes in diet and lifestyle have a positive effect on the weakening of reflux symptoms. The primary recommendation is to reduce the amount of fat in the diet, because this component greatly increases discomfort. In case that a person suffering from reflux is overweight or obese, diet should not only be low-fat, but also low in calories. Reduction of body weight causes a reduction in reflux symptoms.

Products recommended in gastric reflux disease:

? Lean species of meats (veal, pork, rabbit), poultry (chicken, turkey) and meat (ham, pork and poultry, beef).
? Lean dairy products - milk, yoghurt, kefir, buttermilk with a reduced fat content. In some people treat the symptoms of heartburn.
? Cooking, stewing without frying, roasting in the foil, steaming, frying fat free.
? Carrots, beets, potatoes, cauliflower, spinach.
? seasoning dishes with fresh basil, oregano or garlic cloves, spices, herbs such as fennel, tarragon, rosemary, sage, dill.
? A small portion of dough or biscuit.
? non-carbonated mineral water, herbal teas (with the exception of peppermint tea).

Products not recommended in gastric reflux disease:

? Fatty foods, especially fatty meats (e.g. ham, salami, pâté, liverwurst, greasy sausages, brawn) and poultry (e.g. fatty pork, goose, duck, pork, ribs),
? The fat dairy products - yellow cheese, Camembert and brie, melted and mold, fromage type cheese.
? Fast food - hamburgers, hot dogs, cheeseburgers, chips.
? Eating of fried foods.
? Cucumbers, tomatoes, onions. Onion in particular often contributes to the reflux. It is worth to give up with all kinds of roux with onions.
? Foods and products with added vinegar - it's better to avoid pickled mushrooms, fruits and vegetables and salads with vinaigrette sauce.
? Spicy spices - pepper, chilli, curry. You have to avoid spicy Mexican, Indian or Chinese cuisine, to which Cayenne pepper, chilli peppers, pepperoni peppers, spicy tomato-based sauces are added.
? Chocolate, cookies, chocolate glazed, chocolate candies, candy bars, cakes or chocolate cakes (chocolate - contains caffeine, theobromine and fat - it contributes to heartburn).
? Soft drinks - cause reflection and thus increase the risk of regurgitation of gastric contents into the esophagus.
? Some juices - usually there are symptoms of heartburn after drinking orange, lemon, grapefruit and tomato juice.
? Strong coffee and tea (especially on an empty stomach) and alcohol (in any form).
? Wearing tight clothes or belts after eating.

Example - diet in gastric reflux:

Breakfast: Wholemeal rye bread with margarine, chicken sausage, salad oil, tea
Lunch: Cauliflower soup with turkey meatballs in dill sauce, boiled potatoes, beets, apple juice
Snack: Banana with skimmed yoghurt
Dinner: Mixed bread with margarine, ham, chicken, carrot and apple, still mineral water

   Eating foods without rush, 4-5 small meals a day, freshly prepared, minced is recommended. The last light meal, you can eat no more than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

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