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Gymnastics for pregnant women

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Gymnastics for pregnant women

   Customarily it is common belief that pregnancy is associated with a high weight, and unfavorable appearance of stretch marks after termination. But it doesn?t have to look like this. Everything depends on personal attributes and the lifestyle preferred by pregnant woman. Keeping a healthy lifestyle and taking care of both the spirit and the body has a significant impact on the physical and psychological form of a woman. Relatively not large effort can lead to enjoy the pre-pregnancy figure by short time after giving birth. Physical activity during these critical nine months has a beneficial impact on health of mother and child. It is the exercise and outdoor activities that has a major importance for the well-being, appearance and overall form of a woman.

   Nowadays, when the media bombard us with worship of slim silhouette, celebrities present on the red carpet a month after giving birth statuesque shapes. The freshly baked mothers in addition to new responsibilities and many fears it  may cause additional pressure. Maintaining a good figure is healthy and beneficial to the well-being, but toned-down gymnastics, yoga, stretching exercises, walking or swimming are also influencing on easier and more efficient delivery course. Bringing a new life into the world takes an enormous effort. The new role will certainly be easier for a woman who was active and physically fit during period of pregnancy. Mother, who does not have the habit of physical exercises may have difficulties with coming back to active life style. The fact that active pregnant women are usually less afraid of childbirth can?t be underestimated, because they have more confidence in themselves and their body.

   So what are the best types of activity for pregnant women? Healthy future moms, contrary to common fears, can do sports and activities. Walking, Nordic walking, yoga, swimming, gentle stretching exercises, exercises with the ball are recommended. Increasingly popularity gain also classes in childbirth schools or in fitness centers specially arranged for pregnancy, so that they contribute to general-progress of the future mother. These are usually exercises to strengthen the muscles of the spine, arms, legs, buttocks, with elements of yoga. Pregnant women, however, should avoid certain activities, especially those that require sudden, rapid movements, sudden changes of direction, jumping jacks, shocks, or that which can lead to a fall or injury. Forget about fast races, skiing, climbing or cycling. In pregnancy sense of gravity varies, thus it is harder for a woman to balance. So it is better to stick to the rule which forbid beginning of training a whole new discipline, but rather slow down and reduce the difficulty of exercises that we used to do earlier.

Regardless of what activity you choose, you must remember a few rules:

? Health is the foundation, and the pregnancy must be done properly.
? Do not overdo. During exercise, it is good to make so called test calls. If we are able to talk as normal (at most with mild shortness of breath), we can continue to practice, if not release, and the next time you exercise less intensely.
? Prepare some water to drink during exercise. After exercises, we can weigh and if we determine that we lost during exercise for example, 0.5 kg, on this place we should drink approximately 0.5 liters of fluid.
? Prepare a comfortable outfit: a good bra, remember not to strain the growing and swollen breasts, it's good to do exercises in a non-slip socks (not all women can tolerate sports shoes during pregnancy).
? Ladies in good condition, intensively training before pregnancy can safely practice about an hour, others are advised to prolong exercise gradually, starting with about 15-20 minutes.
? If you feel uncomfortable, do not continue the exercise, or modify it.

   As the expectant mother, do not cease to be, after all a women. We want to be and feel beautiful. The movement not only benefits our well-being, it also adds beauty! The body is better oxygenated, skin is bright, and even our well-being increases, which also has an effect on appearance.

   Do not be afraid of exercises connected with hips and pelvis movement. Soft dance at home with soft music in the arms of a partner, will favorably affect both the future mom, dad and baby.

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