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Types of skin

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Types of skin

   Until recently the skin types were divided into normal, dry and oily. However, changes in consumer awareness, development of cosmetics product technology, and environmental pollution have made it necessary to revise the current classification of types of cerium and define it anew.

   Increasingly, we have to deal with the occurrence of several types of skin in one person. A proper diagnosis is therefore extremely important in the proper selection of cosmetics and a chance to enjoy the beautiful skin for a long time.

The following are the most common types of skin

Normal skin at the present time only occurs in children. It has a "healthy" appearance is a little flushed, any stains, burst blood vessels, or efflorescence are not seen. Its surface is smooth.

Dry skin is characterized by low flexibility, a tendency to discolour, faster aging and, often, scaling. The dryness may be due to the lack of water, or fat. If you recognize yourself in this type of skin we should ask the expert (beauticians, dermatologists) to determine what our skin needs, because moisturizing will not help too little oily skin, but the nutrition, and the skin with an appropriate amount of fat, and low water, may react greasy, if we use too heavy cream.

Oily skin is a nightmare for many people, both women and men. It is thick, light up, its pores are expanded, there the forms of open and closed comedones, often evolving towards acne. The skin care should consist of cleansing treatments, the use of preparations inhibiting the secretion of excess sebum and moisture, if it has a tendency to peel. A common mistake made by the holders of this type of skin is excessively drying, which makes it rough, flaky, but still shiny and oily.

Mature skin is the result of natural aging. It is characterized by its flaccidity, thin (less dense), superficial and deep wrinkles, furrows, spots and changes in the amount of secreted sebum.

Atrophic skin, so called disappearance of skin,  usually associated with the process of aging. Increasingly, however, this type of skin can be seen in younger patients exhibiting skin to negative external factors, such as: sunlight, and cigarette smoke. It may also be due to hormonal disorders of the body. Its symptoms are the same as in the case of mature, but it concerns younger persons. Thus, when the age of 30 we find that our worry lines have become a permanent wrinkles, furrows, or even, we should pay more attention to choosing the right cosmetics and seek specialist advice regarding further care.

Vascular skin occurs regardless of age. Vascular changes in the skin cause (the cracking or expansion) might be caused by external factors: frequent tanning, skin exposure to high temperatures (sauna, solarium, and even frequent bends over vaporous pots), eating spicy foods and large amounts of alcohol, or internal , as poor management of hormonal or hereditary tendency to vascular problems. Having that skin type we should pay special attention to the cosmetic compositions. Recommended ingredients are: extract of rue, arnica, horse chestnut, vitamin C and calcium. Poor care may in time lead to the transformation of this type of skin in rosacea.

Sensitive skin is a demanding much attention and very difficult to care skin type. Its image can be different depending on individual susceptibility of the skin to external factors reaction. May result in burning, itching, stretching, erythema, or even tingling. Having sensitive skin we should carefully select ingredients for cosmetics. There is no universal advice, because each of us reacts differently, and what can alleviate symptoms in one person, can exacerbate them at the other.

There is also commonly known type of skin, called mixed skin. The most commonly referred to face skin, which is characterized by features of oily and dry skin. In the case of its occurrence the face is divided into two areas - oily (usually nose, chin and forehead) and dry (cheeks and eye area). Skin care is quite cumbersome, because it is assumed that each of these areas should be treated in a manner due to the skin type. Thus, the central parts of the face should be treated as oily skin, and the side, like dry skin. Mixed Skin is not only the confusion of dry skin with oily. At the same time on the face may be many types of skin, the more important is the selection of cosmetics. Improper skin care can lead to its destruction, so if we're not sure of our skin type, and do not know how to cultivate it is worth paying a specialist to diagnose and help to find the right preparations. Remember that during the life our skin is changing, moving from one type of skin to another. Let us therefore capture these changes to be able to react quickly. We may also from time to time to undergo a skin examination performed by special cameras to measure density, moisture and lubrication. Cosmetic companies often carry out such tests in pharmacies free of charge.

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