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   Weigh loss and weight gain calculator helps to estimate daily calorie needs to lose a certain amount of kilos / pounds or weight gain or maintain weight in a specific period of time. Calculator (weight loss / gain planner) in the calculation takes into account physical activity and metabolic rate dependent on age. To use the calculator, simply select your gender, choose the age range, enter the age, height, current weight, determine your physical activity, enter number of kilos / pounds you wish to lose / gain, enter number of days / weeks / months / years to achieve goal and press the "Calculate".

    If the value Daily calories needs required meet desired goal shows unsafe value (too low) please either increase the time goal, or decrease the kilos / pounds goal.

   There are four physical activity levels (PAL), the value within each level depends on age and gender:

  • Sedentary. Typical activities of daily living such as gardening (no lifting), household tasks, light activity while sitting, loading/unloading car, mopping, mowing lawn (power mower), etc.

  • Low Active. Typical activities of daily living such as gardening (no lifting), household tasks, light activity while sitting, loading/unloading car, mopping, mowing lawn (power mower), etc. + 30-60 minutes of moderate activity daily such as calisthenics (no weight), cycling (leisurely), golf (without cart), swimming (slow), walking 3-4 mph, etc.

  • Active. Typical activities of daily living such as gardening (no lifting), household tasks, light activity while sitting, loading/unloading car, mopping, mowing lawn (power mower), etc. + ?60 minutes of moderate activity daily such as calisthenics (no weight), cycling (leisurely), golf (without cart), swimming (slow), walking 3-4 mph, etc.

  • Very Active. Typical activities of daily living such as gardening (no lifting), household tasks, light activity while sitting, loading/unloading car, mopping, mowing lawn (power mower), etc. + ?60 minutes of moderate activity daily such as calisthenics (no weight), cycling (leisurely), golf (without cart), swimming (slow), walking 3-4 mph, etc. + additional 60 minutes of vigorous activity such as chopping wood, climbing hills (no load), cycling (moderately), jogging (10-min miles), rope skipping, skating, swimming, tennis (doubles), walking (5 mph) or 120 minutes of additional moderate activity.

Select units:
Select your gender:
Select your life stage group:
Enter your age in years or months for infants:
Enter your height: cm feet inches
Enter your weight: kg pounds (Pre-pregnancy weight)
Select your activity level:
Number you wish to : kg
Number of for your goal:
Daily calorie needs required to maintain current weight:
Daily calorie needs required meet desired goal:

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