Amount of recipes on the site: 4
- Carcinogens and mutagens that may occur in foods Cancer is one of the deadliest...
Carcinogens and mutagens that may occur in foods
Cancer is one of the deadliest scourges of modern civilization. The occurrence of cancer in humans in a large percentage is dependent on...
- Mandarin oranges - calories, nutritional values and interesting facts Mandarins (mandarin oranges), the...
Mandarin oranges - calories, nutritional values and interesting facts
Mandarins (mandarin oranges), the younger sister of oranges, smaller but sweeter, and easier to peel and sharing. Mandarin is a perennial plant...
- Skin discolorations Discoloration is characterized by...
Skin discolorations
Discoloration is characterized by changes in unchanged skin color. Usually formed as a result of disturbances in uneven accumulation and production...
- Barbecue pan - alternative for conventional frying To be healthy not only sport and...
Barbecue pan - alternative for conventional frying
To be healthy not only sport and nutritious menus is enough. Ways of preparing meals is also important and, in particular thermal treatment, which...

Drying is one of the oldest methods of food preservation and storage. The history of this traditional method of preserving food dates back to prehistoric times, when people... READ MORE

Cellulite, disliked by women so called "orange peel syndrome" is a common defect occurring on the skin of women of all ages. Increasingly, as a result of poor diet and lack... READ MORE

It becomes in a very innocent way, just like every addiction. Already having some knowledge about healthy nutrition you decide that from now on you are not going to eat... READ MORE

Broccoli is a one-cruciferous plants. They come from the Mediterranean (Cyprus), and were already known in ancient times. Broccoli became popular and fashionable after... READ MORE

World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended to reduce the intake of salt to 5 g per day (1 level teaspoon). This mineral (wrongly called seasoning) is composed of... READ MORE

Anorexia, unlike anorexia nervosa is a disease associated with eating disorders, weight loss by reducing the maximum food intake, constant fear of "weight gain" and the... READ MORE

Digestion is the enzymatic decomposition of large molecules of organic components (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) into the low-molecular substances, absorbed by the body... READ MORE

Taste is one of the five senses, in which a man was equipped with. With it we can determine the flavors of many foods, choose those that we meet and those that can not... READ MORE

Milk drinks acidified by lactic acid bacteria, with the possible interaction of yeast, are from immemorial time a fixed form of milk, over time it was prepared according to... READ MORE

Nutrition is one of the basic conditions of life, development, health and fitness, as well as a source of satisfaction of social needs and hedonistic. Therefore, the... READ MORE

Probably most of us knows this situation. The alarm is ringing, the court is still gray, half asleep we go into the kitchen and adjusted the water for coffee or turn on the... READ MORE

As yo-yo effect we call the body weight fluctuations, consisting of the following succession of put on and loosing weight. During comply with the low-energy diet the speed... READ MORE

Customarily it is common belief that pregnancy is associated with a high weight, and unfavorable appearance of stretch marks after termination. But it doesn?t have to look... READ MORE

Seafood or Italian "frutti di mare" is a term describing marine animals such as crustaceans and molluscs, including bivalves, cephalopods and echinoderms. Traditionally,... READ MORE

They are one of the best sources of calcium, which is absorbed by organism in approximately 90% and it is easier for your body to digest and absorb. Apart from calcium in a... READ MORE

Aspartame, main ingredient of commonly applied sweeteners, is one of the most dangerous chemical compounds added to nourishment. Aspartame was discovered by accident in... READ MORE

Cancer in industrialized countries are one of the main reasons of death. Cancer is a disease, which all of us are afraid of. It?s threatening because it develops... READ MORE

The human body is an ecosystem inhabited by millions of microorganisms to ensure its proper functioning and to prevent the formation of pathogenic processes. The large... READ MORE

We live and eat in a hurry, in unconsidered way. Universally valid dictate - re-heated in the microwave dishes are becoming commonplace. We do not have time to enjoy your... READ MORE

The word alcohol is derived probably from one of the two Arabic words: al-kuhl (antimony, fine, fine powder) or al-Ghoul (evil spirit). Based on anthropological research... READ MORE
Dryer for mushrooms, vegetables and fruits
Antinutrients in food
What is the difference between kefir and yoghurt ?
High fructose corn syrup - a controversial food additive
Types of skin
Bloating - causes and how to prevent them
Aerobic and anaerobic exercises
Dehydration - types, causes, symptoms and treatment
Pumpkin pie smoothie
Add all ingredients to the blender and blend until smooth.Cereals with fruit
Put into a bowl rye and wheat, rinse, drain and pour cold water so that...
Yellow dietYellow diet guidelines: Yellow color - works anti-stress, gladdens - has stimulating properties. It cleanses the blood and helps digestion. It improves the lymphatic glands, fights cellulite. Products recommended in yellow diet: - Lemons, - Oranges, - Bananas - Yellow pepper, - Eggs, - Grapefruit, - Onions, - Olive oil extra virgin, - A... READ MORE