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Amount of recipes on the site: 4


Digestive system - how food is digested 
Digestive system - how food is digested

Digestion is the enzymatic decomposition of large molecules of organic components (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) into the low-molecular substances, absorbed by the body and cell membranes. Proper nutrition, that is digestion and absorption of food,

Nutrition chart (calorie chart) 
Nutrition chart (calorie chart)

This nutrition chart provides details of the energy [kcal], proteins [g], fats (lipids) [g], carbohydrates [g] for 100 [g] of food. Energy equivalents, which help you with conversion. Energy equivalents, which help you with conversion. 1 kilocalorie


Lipids (fats) belong to a big group of natural organic compounds, insoluble in water but soluble in organic dissolvents such as: diethyl ether, petroleum benzine, chloroform, benzene, acetone etc. To lipids (fats) also belong derivatives of natural l

How to store food 
How to store food

Food products stored in different conditions by some time are a subject of many changes: microbiological, biochemical, chemical, physical. Several changes in time can lead to lower nutritional, health and organoleptic value due to improper storage te