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Blood type diets

The origin of the blood group AB: delicate offspring of a rare combination of tolerant blood group A with the barbaric past, but a more balanced group B. Antigens produced by the blood group AB are sometimes similar to produced by group A, sometimes

The origin of the blood group B: assimilationist, adapting to new climatic conditions and the mixing of the population; representing the natural desire for a better balance between mental tension and demands of the immune system. Group B is a refine

Blood group 0 is the oldest and most basic, a left at the top of the food chain, with a strong and aggressive immune system, ready and able to destroy anyone, friend or foe. Factors that favor the competent development of people with blood group 0 ar

The origin of the blood group A: The first immigrants, forced to adapt to a more agricultural diet and lifestyle, with a personality more suited to living together in large communities. Group A thriving on vegetarian diets - a legacy of their ancesto