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Carcinogens and mutagens that may occur in foods 
Carcinogens and mutagens that may occur in foods

Cancer is one of the deadliest scourges of modern civilization. The occurrence of cancer in humans in a large percentage is dependent on environmental factors, which also includes diet. Evidence linking diet with cancer risk is provided by numerous e

Mandarin oranges - calories, nutritional values and interesting facts 
Mandarin oranges - calories, nutritional values and interesting facts

Mandarins (mandarin oranges), the younger sister of oranges, smaller but sweeter, and easier to peel and sharing. Mandarin is a perennial plant species of Ruta family. Its name derives from the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, which formerly

Skin discolorations 
Skin discolorations

Discoloration is characterized by changes in unchanged skin color. Usually formed as a result of disturbances in uneven accumulation and production of melanin (the human pigment), but there are also non-melanin pigmentation after medicines or tattoos

Barbecue pan - alternative for conventional frying 
Barbecue pan - alternative for conventional frying

To be healthy not only sport and nutritious menus is enough. Ways of preparing meals is also important and, in particular thermal treatment, which eaten food is subjected to. Despite numerous warnings, dieticians and nutritionists about pernicious in

Calories in alcohols 
Calories in alcohols

Not only protein, fat and carbohydrates are a source of calories, but also drinks containing alcohol. Milliliter of pure ethyl alcohol is 7 calories, while gram of protein and carbohydrates is 4 calories, and fat contains 9 calories. The alcohol is s

Cold pressed flaxseed (lineseed) oil - the characteristics and health benefits 
Cold pressed flaxseed (lineseed) oil - the characteristics and health benefits

Flax is one of the oldest cultivated plants. It comes from the Middle East and the Mediterranean, where it was grown from a few thousand years. The first documented reports of the healing properties of flax are dated to the time of the Greeks and Rom

Interactions between food and medications 
Interactions between food and medications

Consumed food during the treatment can significantly affect the absorption of medications from the gastrointestinal tract. This depends mainly on the amount of contained carbohydrates and fats. Foods rich in fats, such as butter, lard, bacon, eggs, f

Circadian rhythm of the body 
Circadian rhythm of the body

The human body is in homeostasis, which means the stability of physical-chemical conditions, pH, temperature and osmotic pressure. Homeostasis defines the range of values, the extent of which the body works during the day, week, month, year. In the b

Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides ratio calculator 
Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides ratio calculator

Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides ratio calculator explains you what your TC, HDL, LDL and triglyceride levels mean and whether you are under any risk for heart and cardiovascular diseases. The calculator shows you interpretation of your cholester

Tomatoes - calories, nutritional values and interesting facts 
Tomatoes - calories, nutritional values and interesting facts

Tomatoes originated from South America. Wild forms of this plant can be found today in Peru, the Canary Islands and in the Philippines. Soon after the discovery of America bright red vegetables were brought to Europe. Because of their color, they wer

Types of tea 
Types of tea

The homeland of tea is China, where it has been grown for over five thousand years. Next Japanese, Koreans and people from south-east Asia began growing it. Just a thousand years ago Arabic merchants were successful at taking away dried tea leaves to

Nutritional value of beef and culinary purpose of beef parts 
Nutritional value of beef and culinary purpose of beef parts

Beef is one of the most valuable meat in terms of nutritional value, which is determined by the basic chemical composition and content of exogenous components. Beef is an average of calories meat - the calorific value of meat depends on how much fat

Antinutrients in food 
Antinutrients in food

These are all substances found in foods that limit or preclude the use of nutrients or substances which have an adverse effect on the human body. These include compounds: Occurring in the natural plant and animal produce. Alien toxic compounds from f

Sugar - do we need it? 
Sugar - do we need it?

Yes, but not that from the sugar bowl. The body is enough with natural sugar. Other sweets may safely be called "white death". Until the eighteenth century in Europe sugar was an article of luxury, for which everyone paid a fortune. Treated it as a c

Protein diet 
Protein diet

This consists of a hearty breakfast, meat dinner and dairy supper. There is also plenty of fruit, salad vegetables and salads. Despite the abundance of food, should give a slimming effect. Daily menu should consist of four meals. It can not run out o

Cabbage soup diet 
Cabbage soup diet

Cabbage constitutes a precious source of vitamins and other essential for organism compounds. It can fully fill the demand for vitamin C. Fresh cabbage as well as sauerkraut increases the activity of digestive system, regulates the running of intesti

Dairy-free diet 
Dairy-free diet

Milk and dairy products most often cause allergic reactions or food intolerance. Mostly infants and young children are suffering an allergy to cow milk protein. This allergy occurs in approximately 3% of children under the age of 4. Over time, if dai

Yellow diet 
Yellow diet

Yellow color - works anti-stress, gladdens - has stimulating properties. It cleanses the blood and helps digestion. It improves the lymphatic glands, fights cellulite. Products recommended in yellow diet: Lemons, Oranges, Bananas, Yellow pepper,, Egg

Green diet 
Green diet

Green - cleanses the body, acts as a powerful disinfectant, is beneficial to digestion, controls and regulates blood pressure. Products recommended in green diet: The dark poultry meat, such as turkey, Pistachios, Beans, Vegetables with dark green le

Violet diet 
Violet diet

Purple colour - cleanses the body, strengthens in the disease states, especially with any kind of inflammation. Beneficial effects on bone, it helps curb cravings. In addition, helping them to sleep. Products recommended in violet diet: Unshelled cor

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