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Macronutrient calculator 
Macronutrient calculator

This macronutrient calculator will give you the estimated amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, water, omega 3 fatty acids, omega 6 fatty acids to consume based on your daily energy needs. By macronutrients we understand nutrients sup

Digestive system - how food is digested 
Digestive system - how food is digested

Digestion is the enzymatic decomposition of large molecules of organic components (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) into the low-molecular substances, absorbed by the body and cell membranes. Proper nutrition, that is digestion and absorption of food,

Nutrition chart (calorie chart) 
Nutrition chart (calorie chart)

This nutrition chart provides details of the energy [kcal], proteins [g], fats (lipids) [g], carbohydrates [g] for 100 [g] of food. Energy equivalents, which help you with conversion. Energy equivalents, which help you with conversion. 1 kilocalorie


Carbohydrates (also saccharides or commonly sugars) are organic compounds - multihydroxide alcohols consisting of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, in which hydrogen to oxygen ratio is the same as in water (H2O) so it equals 2:1. Carbohydrates are in all