Daily energy needs calculator
Daily energy needs calculator is also known as total metabolic rate calculator, daily calorie needs calculator and as total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) calculator. Tool enables calculating the number of kilocalories you need per day to maintain your current weight. The number of kilocalories depends upon: age, body weight, gender, physiological state (pregnancy, lactating), Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and Physical Activity Coefficients (PA) levels. BMR may comprise commonly 50-70% of daily energy needs, PA takes the rest. BMR is the amount of calories needed to maintain basic body systems and body temperature at rest, while PA is the amount of calories used during activity.
There are four activity levels (PA):
Sedentary: Typical activities of daily living such as gardening (no lifting), household tasks, light activity while sitting, loading/unloading car, mopping, mowing lawn (power mower), etc.
Low Active: Typical activities of daily living such as gardening (no lifting), household tasks, light activity while sitting, loading/unloading car, mopping, mowing lawn (power mower), etc. + 30-60 minutes of moderate activity daily such as calisthenics (no weight), cycling (leisurely), golf (without cart), swimming (slow), walking 3-4 mph, etc.
Active: Typical activities of daily living such as gardening (no lifting), household tasks, light activity while sitting, loading/unloading car, mopping, mowing lawn (power mower), etc. + ?60 minutes of moderate activity daily such as calisthenics (no weight), cycling (leisurely), golf (without cart), swimming (slow), walking 3-4 mph, etc.
Very Active: Typical activities of daily living such as gardening (no lifting), household tasks, light activity while sitting, loading/unloading car, mopping, mowing lawn (power mower), etc. + ?60 minutes of moderate activity daily such as calisthenics (no weight), cycling (leisurely), golf (without cart), swimming (slow), walking 3-4 mph, etc. + additional 60 minutes of vigorous activity such as chopping wood, climbing hills (no load), cycling (moderately), jogging (10-min miles), rope skipping, skating, swimming, tennis (doubles), walking (5 mph) or 120 minutes of additional moderate activity.
This calculator is reliable for infants, children, pregnant and lactating women and of course for adults. Daily energy needs are measured in kilocalories (kcal). This calculator provides calculation in metric units ([kg], [cm]) and imperial units ([lb], [ft], [in]).
daily energy needs calculatortotal metabolic rate calculatordailycalorie needs calculatortotal daily energy expenditure calculatortdeephysical activitycalculator
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