Macrobiotic diet guidelines:
Macrobiotic method was developed in 1911 by George Oshawa. A diet derives from the ancient principles of Chinese medicine (Eastern manuscripts). Foods are divided into Yin (soothing and cooling, represents the feminine. Energy is directed outwards, resulting in expansion and relaxation, cold, humidity, passivity, darkness and sweet) and Yang (tonic and warming, represents the masculine energy, directed inward, causing shrinkage, heat, dryness, aggressiveness, brightness, and salty taste), the proportions in consumption depends on the mood and personality, the goal is to achieve a harmonious balance.
The balance of forces of Yin and Yang is the ideal state, which is reflected in the harmony of nature, and the state of full health. The disease occurs when the body balance of these forces is disturbed. This happens under the influence of climate, pollution, improper diet. Because our foods contain different proportions of both elements, with the appropriate choice of diet, we can stay healthy. It also means maintaining a slim figure. A diet containing a lot of Yang element (meat, eggs, salt) may lead to a body state, which results in high blood pressure, aggression, nervousness and hyperactivity. Too much Yin in foods (sweets, dairy, fruits) leads to overall expansion, receives motivation and spoils us. The purpose of macrobiotic diet is therefore the balancing of yin and yang foods by avoiding "extreme'' products for neutral products. However external influences are disturbing the body balance all the time, nutrition in accordance with the principles of macrobiotic diet is a constant striving for the harmony of Yin and Yang. Diet macrobiotic does not contain meat, poultry, eggs or dairy products. In moderate amount fish, shellfish and fruit are acceptable. Macrobiotics in general contains little fat and lots of complex carbohydrates. It is rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Although the components of the macrobiotic menu is simple, adequate cooking of them is an important part of meal preparation, which changes their energy. The longer the ingredients are cooked (in water or steamed), the more Yang component is added to the food. For changing properties of food as little as possible, the best is to prepare a grain meal in the pressure cooker, and vegetables blanche by immersion for several minutes in boiling water. However, there are no very strict rules what and when to eat in macrobiotics. The needs are not just an individual matter, but also depend on many factors e.g. physical activity and season of the year. In winter you can afford more Yang products. You can keep yourself warm by eating nuts, fish and cheeses, including the diet of onions, peppers, garlic and green leafy vegetables, spicy seasonings. Similarly, prolonged cooking works. Bigger amount of sweet products is allowed in spring, but not very acidic (dates, carrots, honey). In the summer cooling products - including more yin, so vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, watermelons, pears). These should be boiled for a short time, and some products eaten raw. You should also drink more. In autumn more yang foods should be eaten, and so the products rather soft and moist (radish, apples, peaches). Another important element is the exact chewing. Saliva neutralizes food that badly crushed acidifies the body. Extension of eating time prevents overeating because the feeling of satiety occurs in 15-20 minutes after a meal, you should not ever eat to the fill and no later than three hours before bedtime. Macrobiotic diet is a very good diet for those wishing to cleanse the body and to lose about 5 kg within two weeks. badly designed can cause anemia, fatigue, weakness. It is not suitable for people with osteoporosis, have trouble with vitamins absorbing and heart patients. Should not also be used by women during menopause. Although macrobiotics eat it all of their life, nutritionists advise to go to normal, low calorie food after 2 months.
In the macrobiotic diet there are following rules:
? The basis of the diet (50-60%) are neutral energy (sustainable), whole (unshelled) grains. They are a source of complex carbohydrates that provide long-lasting feeling of satiety and improves the digestion of fiber. These include brown rice, barley, wheat, rye, oats, corn and buckwheat.
? Mainly legumes provide the necessary protein (10-15%), soybeans and its products, peas, beans, chickpeas and lentils, small amounts of nuts, seeds (sunflower, pumpkin) and white fish (halibut, trout, cod, carp , sole, flounder). Canned goods are excluded.
? Fresh vegetables are 25-35% of the diet. They are not only a source of essential vitamins, but also macro and micronutrients as well as antioxidants.
The best are brassicas and root (such as lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, leeks, carrots, celery). It is important that it should not be early vegetables and that vegetables were fresh. Vegetables that are not indicated are: potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini and eggplant.
? Fluids are provided by soups (10% of the diet), prepared from fermented soybeans and vegetables, limited amounts of exotic infusions (such as Bancha, also called kukicha, and tea with roasted rice or barley) and still mineral water,
? Fresh fruits are permitted, but in moderation. It is recommended to eat fruits available in the season and the resignation of tropical species - it has a detrimental effect, because they come from different climatic zones. We do not recommend drinking juice.
? Soft drinks and stimulating - coffee, tea, aromatic herbal infusions, alcohol and hot spices are not recommended because it disturb the body balance of Yin and Yang.
? Canned products containing the chemical additives, refined and highly purified (white flour and products made from the bread, salt, sugar and sweets) are very yin, and therefore should be avoided.
? Animal products are excluded in the macrobiotic diet, because they are extremely Yang. This is particularly red meat,animal fats, eggs and most of dairy products.
? In addition, specific to the macrobiotic diet are fermented soy (miso, tamari), as well as algae and seaweed.
Example of macrobiotic diet:
Oatmeal on the water, toast with brown bread from the mold spread with a teaspoon of honey, tea or herbal infusion.
Vegetable soup, sushi, tofu.
Meatballs made from millet, vegetables, grated radish with roasted seaweed.