Cellulite, disliked by women so called "orange peel syndrome" is a common defect occurring on the skin of women of all ages. Increasingly, as a result of poor diet and lack of activity it also occurs in teenagers. The main enemies are too much preservatives, processed foods in your diet and sedentary lifestyles that have a substantial effect on the thighs and buttocks skin.
So is therefore a way to get rid of this disfiguring ailment? Is this not a fight against windmills? There is a way, but it requires a systematic approach and pays off. The answer is to move, move and move again! There is no need, to immediately sign up for the gym, you can successfully train at home.
To be sure that training was most effective, set of exercises should be chosen individually, based on our physical condition and the extent and location of the cellulite occurrence. Golden rule of our struggle with the anesthetic "waves" is the regularity and orderliness.
Exercises at home are the perfect solution. Best to practice 3 times a week, then the effects are the best. The autumn season is therefore especially good for quick marches and vigorous walks for at least an hour a day. Swimming pool is also ideal for skin condition, a sauna after exercise will speed up our "fight to the enemy." Sport aerobics, running or cycling, which affects the state of well muscle and skin in the affected cellulite areas are also perfect.
Here are some suggestions of the anti-cellulite exercises which you can easily do at home.
Positions on the back
? Keep hands behind your head. Bend your knees, feet set on hip-width distance. Slowly lift your torso toward the knees, but without too much forcing the body. Very slowly lower torso to the floor. Repeat several times
? The legs bend at the knees, feet on the floor. Lift the hips and buttocks tight for a few centimeters. Count up to 10 Repeat exercise 10 times.
? Lying on your back, rest your feet on a chair, arms spread wide on the floor. Lift the hips, for 20-30 seconds perform a light, very strong and precise movements of the hips up and down.
Positions on the stomach
? Hands pull ahead. Raise your legs a few inches above the floor and squeeze your buttocks. Count to 10 and lower legs. Repeat exercise 10 times.
Standing positions
? Stand up straight. Do so called outing that is - step forward with a left foot, and deepened half-squat. Withstand 10 seconds and return to starting position. Repeat exercise by changing the leg for 10-30 times.
? Stepper - is a popular device which is great to thigh muscles. If you do not have it, just go down and climb the stairs or a low stool.
To bring the results anti-cellulite exercises should be performed at least 3 times a week for half an hour. To include changes in eating habits and nursing cosmetic treatment designed to combat cellulite is advisable.