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Bloating - causes and how to prevent them

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Bloating - causes and how to prevent them

   Abdominal bloating, which are frequent complaints of abdominal cavity occur when accumulating in the intestinal fluids and gases do not want to continue to move through the digestive system. They cause an uncomfortable feeling of fullness, abdominal spreading with the enhanced waist. Sometimes bloating are accompanied by cramping or painful colic. When digestion within the digestive system is too slow, the food begins to fall behind and ferment, causing production in of the gases.

Foods digestion

   Digestion of food begins in the mouth (action of digestive enzymes present in saliva). The food here is shredded, mixed with saliva. In the following sections of the gastrointestinal tract transported food is subjected to complex reactions - first in the stomach, later in the duodenum, then in the intestines.

   The proper course of digestion is necessary for smooth operation throughout the gastrointestinal tract. The correct composition of digestive juices is necessary, it is the presence of all the necessary enzymes to digest food. Proper transport of food is also important. If the content of the food moves too quickly, the food is digested inaccurately. The slow speed of food passage causes its retention and fermentation in the intestine - as a result of this process distending gases are produced in the intestine (flatulence, constipation).

Causes of bloating

   The reason for the accumulation of intestinal gas may be swallowing excess air during a fast food, drink and conversation during the meal. The cause of this is also an increased secretion of saliva (such as those chewing gum), as well as mental stress, anxiety. The air is behind the stomach, where it is excreted out in the form of reflection - part of the air goes further, into the intestine. With each act of swallowing into the stomach gets about 2-3 milliliters of the air. A deep breath can cause migration to the stomach of l-2 ml of air.

   The reason of bloating can also be drinking of carbonated beverages. Carbon dioxide contained in carbonated drinks is absorbed in the small intestine and then excreted through the lungs during the exhalation.

   Above it is stated that the proper digestion the actual composition of digestive juices is required, that means the presence of all the necessary enzymes digesting food. For example, the lack of sufficient intestinal lactase - the enzyme digesting lactose (the sugar present in milk or dairy products) causes fermentation of the lactose, which is associated with increased gas pressure in certain sections of the intestine. A deficiency may also refer to some other enzyme, such as exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (pancreas produces enzymes - when it is "inefficient" or sick - lack of some digestive enzymes occurs).

   A similar symptom cause undigested remnants of certain foods (especially beans, peas, cabbage, cauliflower) deposited in the colon. They exacerbate the formation of gas in the colon following the breakdown of the bacteria.
In case of most patients who experience bloating, volume of air in the gastrointestinal tract is not increased. Their complaints are often a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome. This disease is caused by impaired intestinal motility, mainly nervous.

   Other rare causes of bloating is intestinal paralysis, intestinal obstruction (a life-threatening), condition after treatment with antibiotics, excessive growth of intestinal bacteria,

How to deal with the bloating ?

   Complaints associated with the presence of gas in the digestive tract are burdensome for the patient and often, unfortunately, difficult to treat. Patients complain of bloating feeling in addition the belching and gases - sometimes loud and often malodorous, which can be embarrassing.

How can you help? Well, there are a few ways. The simplest of these are:

? the diet, you should refrain from eating bloating products (e.g. beans, peas, cabbage, cauliflower),
? meals should be eaten slowly, without haste,
? a walk after a meal is indicated,
? avoiding activities that cause swallowing of air (such as talking while eating, chewing gum),
? avoid drinking of carbonated beverages,
? herbal teas offer positive effect: cumin, fennel, peppermint - with these herbs you can also spice hard to digest food,
? avoid nervous, hurry, over-exertion.

Medicines used in bloating

   There are many drugs (over the counter) to prevent bloating and mitigating them. Food enzymes can be found in some products that will help break down the sugars found in grains, vegetables and dairy products. They can be taken before food is consumed or added to the food that causes the gas and bloating. Another type of medicine is activated charcoal tablets that will decrease the odor from gas. The most common treatment is antacids. These medications have no effect on the gas that is presently in the intestines, but it allows for gas build-up to be belched away more easily, reducing the amount of bloating that develops. Another treatment is Simethicone, an oral anti-foaming agent that helps the body to expel the gas more quickly.

Physician will help

   If bloating occur sporadically, they are gone rapidly and are associated with e.g. large quantities of beans, so there are no major cause for concern. But when it does not disappear after the use of domestic resources, are persistent, combined with abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation, vomiting, lack of appetite, or the elevated temperature should be reported immediately to the physician.

   The doctor will try to determine the cause of symptoms (e.g. pancreatic insufficiency, lactase deficiency, gluten enteropathy, liver disease, etc.). Then turn on curative treatment, e.g. administration of pancreatic enzyme, recommend a lactose free diet in lactase deficient, gluten-free diet in gluten enteropathy, bacterial recovery after antibiotic treatment (probiotic preparations for the renewal of proper intestinal flora). Always, his knowledge will be helpful in determining the proper diet.

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