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Amount of recipes on the site: 4


Nutritional value of beef and culinary purpose of beef parts 
Nutritional value of beef and culinary purpose of beef parts

Beef is one of the most valuable meat in terms of nutritional value, which is determined by the basic chemical composition and content of exogenous components. Beef is an average of calories meat - the calorific value of meat depends on how much fat


Sweet basil, popularly known as basil, comes from India. Worldwide, there are over 150 cultivated varieties of this aromatic plant. Is valued for its unique, refreshing aroma, distinct taste and aromatic oils. Basil is cultivated worldwide as an annu

Garden angelica 
Garden angelica

t is a biennial. The homeland of plant is Northern Europe and Siberia. An interesting fact is that the people living in the far north - Laplanders, Greenlanders and Icelanders for centuries angelica in this severe climate was the only one plant givin

Star anise 
Star anise

Star anise is an evergreen tree with yellow flowers, originating from China. Its flowers maturing create dry fruits, resembling in appearance a small, brittle star. Spice are both fruits (star) and seeds in them, but they are less flavorful than othe