The main factor determining the weight loss is to identify our energy demand and to do physical activity a lot. The important facts also includes a healthy diet, taking into account the regularity of meals. This factors prevent the occurrence of seiz
Anorexia, unlike anorexia nervosa is a disease associated with eating disorders, weight loss by reducing the maximum food intake, constant fear of "weight gain" and the incorrect idea of the perfect figure. Bulimia is characterized by rampant hunger
As yo-yo effect we call the body weight fluctuations, consisting of the following succession of put on and loosing weight. During comply with the low-energy diet the speed of Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is decreased. This is the adaptable reaction on
It's very often after several days of weight loss we are delighted with its effects, not being conscious that we get rid of water instead of fat tissue. Fat burning we can consider only after 11 days of a diet. Let's look at how shows the burning of
The origin of the blood group AB: delicate offspring of a rare combination of tolerant blood group A with the barbaric past, but a more balanced group B. Antigens produced by the blood group AB are sometimes similar to produced by group A, sometimes
The origin of the blood group B: assimilationist, adapting to new climatic conditions and the mixing of the population; representing the natural desire for a better balance between mental tension and demands of the immune system. Group B is a refine
Blood group 0 is the oldest and most basic, a left at the top of the food chain, with a strong and aggressive immune system, ready and able to destroy anyone, friend or foe. Factors that favor the competent development of people with blood group 0 ar
The origin of the blood group A: The first immigrants, forced to adapt to a more agricultural diet and lifestyle, with a personality more suited to living together in large communities. Group A thriving on vegetarian diets - a legacy of their ancesto
Heath is strictly connected to the proper weight. Slim figure provides us not only attractive view and good being, but also helps us to protect and reduce the risk of number of diseases. The aspiration to loosing unnecessary kilograms is understandab